nAble OnCall


nAble OnCall was a free app to help groups of physicians manage their call schedule and share it with their staff. We're in the initial prototyping phase and have its alpha version available to select clinics while we are working on an new visual design.  

UX/UI • Iconography • Branding



nAble OnCall is designed primarily to work with groups of physicians  with roles divided into administrators and members.  The calendar allows users to manage after-hours patient calls and emergencies by sharing their coverage. I was tasked wireframing, interface and experience design, and iconography. 

nAble OnCall Schedule
nAble OnCall Contact Information
nAble OnCall Messages
nAble OnCall Select Group

When planning out the features for the app, we realized that the number of tasks and situations was quite a bit larger than we had anticipated. We needed to have an interactive calendar, a way to show user preferences, a way to manage user accounts and groups, a way to edit the calendar, export functions, and more! It required developing clear information architecture with clear new user and administrator onboarding.

The app directs the user from setting up a new group to adding members and facilities thru inputting user preferences and ultimately creating a functional calendar. 

We chose a simple initial visual design to help us with A/B testing. With high information density on the screen, we needed to make sure colors were bright, individuals were clearly identified, and the interactables were obvious.  



OnCall is currently in limited release to focus on the flow for beta testing and user experience research. We are planning a bigger visual overhaul with updated graphics that will be targeted towards more than the medical community. In particular, we want to sell it to small businesses that require shift scheduling. Overall, a good conceptual idea that we’re hoping to do more with!