Quick ICD 10


Quick ICD 10 is a free iOS, Android, and Web app designed to help physicians convert billing codes from ICD 9 to ICD 10.  It achieved the largest userbase of any of our apps and continues to grow. 

UX/UI • Iconography • Branding



Mobile First

Structurally, we wanted Quick ICD 10 to be fast, intuitive, and with a high rate of user adoption, even at the expense of brand exposure. We centered the app around the search and convert function, with no required login to access the core functionality. 

Quick ICD 10 Splash
Quick ICD 10 Main Screen
Quick ICD 10 History
Quick ICD 10 Similar Codes
Quick ICD 10 Results

We focused on three main useful tools: search and converting codes, saving your favorite codes, and exporting and sharing your list of codes. Users can simply download and start converting on the fly, but to access the additional functionality, users had to register. 

Instead of forcing an initial tutorial or making it accessible separately, we placed the tutorial directly on the search screen and used it to overview the basic functions and to encourage users to interact with us through feedback and seeing more products. This turned out to be incredibly successful after a bit of user testing and ultimately with real users, and drove fantastic conversion and reuse rates.  


On the Web


We also made an accompanying responsive web version following the material design guidelines, with saved codes carried over from the mobile version and a few added productivity tools. 


We wanted the app to come across fun, light, and have a unique visual design that would make a dry but necessary tool a little bit more interesting. I focused on creating friendly iconography, a bright color scheme, and a consistent and predictable user flow. I also made some cute quick start screens to help users get started without a full-fledged help guide.  It was an awesome success, and simply asking the users upfront to send us feedback resulted in a huge number of fantastic responses. 




Quick ICD 10 has been our most successfully app to date!  With over a quarter of a million code conversions, tons of great feedback, and thousands of clinics successfully converted to ICD-10, I’d say it’s been a positive experience all around. We’ve also gained some fantastic leads for our main product and have spread lots of brand awareness. 
